Tuesday, March 1, 2011


1. Acute loading- application of a single force of sufficient magnitude to cause injury to a biological tissue.

2. Compression- pressing or squeezing force directed axially through a body.

3. Concentric- describing a contraction involving shortening of a muscle.

4. Eccentric- describing a contraction involving lengthening of a muscle.

5. General Motion- motion invlolving translation and rotation simultaneously

6. Hamstrings- the biceps femoris, semimembranous, and semitendinosus.

7. Impact- collission characterized by the exchange of a large force during a small time interval.

8. Longitudinal Axis- imaginary line aorund which transverse plane rotation occurs.

9. Quadriceps- the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and vastus intermedius

10. Range of motion- angle through which a joint moves from anatomical position to the extreme limit segment motion in a particular direction.

11. Rotator Cuff- band of tendons of the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor, which attach to the humeral head.

12. Sagittal plane- plane in which forward and backward mvements of the body and body segments occur.

13. Stability- resistance to disruption to equilibrium.

14. Stretch-shortening cycle- eccentric contraction followed immediately by concentric contraction.

15. Torsion- load producing twisting of a body aorund its longitudinal axis.

16. Transverse plane- plane in which horizontal body and body segment movements occur when the body is in erect standing position.

17. Extension- the movement that returns a body segment to anatomical postion from a position of flexion.

18. Hyperextension- the rotation beyond anatomical position in the direction oppossite of the direction of flexion.

19. Flexion- includes anteriorly directed sagittal plane rotations of the head, trunk, upper arm, forearm hand, and hip, and posteriorly directed sagittal plane rotation of the lower leg.

20. Menisci- cartilaginous discs located between the tibial and femoral condyles.

21. Joint Flexibility- a term representing the relative ranges of motion allowed at a joint.

22. Joint Stability- ability of a joint to resist abnormal displacement of the articulating bones.

23. Plantar Flexion- Motion bringing the top of the foot away from the lower leg.

24. Glenohumeral Joint- ball-and-socket joint in which the head of the humerus  articulates with the glenoid fossa of the scapula.

25. Impacted- pressed together by a compressive load.

Swing Blocking- Stance


A. Stand with legs shoulder width apart, knees should be slightly bent. When you are in this position your hamstrings will become concentric, and your quadriceps will become eccentric.
B. Arms are up with hand opened and held at chest level. (Video & pictures are taken on a mens net therefore on womens net my hands would be at net level)



Swing Blocking- Prep


A. Take a big step to the side you are going to block on.
 For Example: To go towards your right side of the net, take a big step with your right foot.
B. Have your lead foot point in the direction that you are going in.



Swing Blocking- Movement


A. Take a second step with your other foot, this step should be big.
B. As you are taking the second step bring both your arms back to hyperextension (this will help give you momentum).



Swing Blocking- Follow Through

Follow Through

A. Bring your lead foot around, and make sure your body and feet are facing your opponent. Your feet while up in the air should be in plantar flexion.
B. Arms should swing forward and up which will give you momentum to jump. Your arm muscles will become eccentric because your arms should be in full flexion in order to block the ball.



Swing Blocking- Recovery


A. When you land, make sure you land with the weight on the ball of your feet which will help created a soft landing and less impact on your knees. The better your ankle stability is, the cleaner and easier it ill be to transition from a block to hitting.
B. Knees should be bent as soon as you land. There will be compression since you are getting into a "loading" position. Your ankle and knee joints wll be impacted when you land.
C. Hands should be back at chest level and you should be ready to make the next play. Although, you have make sure your feet are fully planted before you quckly turn to go in a different direction. If you turn to quickly you will likely injure or even tear your mensici or ACL.  



Serving- Stance

Stance  (Description is made for a left handed player, for right handed players it would be the opposite hands and feet)

A. Stand with left foot in front and right foot in back (left knee should be slightly bent).
B. Hold volleyball in hands with left hand on top and right hand on bottom.





A. Toss ball in the air with your right hand while left arm comes back and goes in a "bow and arrow" formation.
B. Bring right foot in front of left (All weight should be on left leg).
C. Keep eyes on the ball the whole time.





A. Transition weight to right leg.
B. Lift left arm above head so it is has full flexion. The glenohumeral joint is always playing a role when serving. There should be flexion occurring in  the sagittal plane when hitting the ball.
C. Make contact with the ball with your left hand when the ball is within reach.
D. Ball should make contact with the palm of you hand.



Serving-Follow Through

Follow Through

A. Make full contact w/ the ball. Right before making full contact w/ the ball, the left rotator cuff should have range of motion.
B. Swing all the way through the ball, your uper body should be used to have more power in the serve by slightly leaning foward. When using your upper body there will be minimal torsion within the logitudinal axis of the transverse plane.
C. Left arm should end up on the left side of your body. There may be some acute loading to your shoulder and rotator cuff if this is not done properly the serve.




A. Quickly get back on the court in your efensive position.
B. Be ready to recieve the ball and play defense.



A. Stand with your left foot in front and right foot in back (you should be standing somewhere around the ten foot line depending on how big your approach is).
B. Arms should be relaxed and at your side.




A. With your left foot still in front bend your knee and put all your weight on your left foot (but on the ball of your foot).

Hitting- Movement


A. Take a large step with your right foot and bring arms up to approximately 90 degrees.
B. Then take a second large step but with your left foot.
C. Arms should go back into hyperextension on as you take your second step, which will give you momentum when you go hit the ball.
D. Eyes should always be on the ball except when you quickly look for an open spot on your opponents side of the court.


Hitting-Follow Through

Follow Through

A. Take the third step with your right foot.
B. As soon as you take the third step, jump in order to make contact with the ball.  When you jump you experience the stretch-shortening cycle because your hamstrings extend when your in the air and then contract when you land with your knees slightly bent in order to absorb some impact.
C. Left arm should be in "bow and arrow" formation.
D. As you make contact with the ball extend your left arm and hit the ball with the palm of your hand. There may be some general motion when you hit depending on where the ball is set and what part of the court you are aiming for.




A. As you land with both feet on the gorund make sure you land with the weight on the balls of your feet and your knees slightly bent. Joint stability and joint flexibility is very important for the knee joints since they absorb most of the impact. There will be impact when landing from hitting the ball.
B. Be ready for the next play or for the ball to come back if deflected off the block by your oppopnent.
